I thought he looked so cute in this outfit. Mother made it(and If I could have gotten Granpa to have quit calling him a girl I think that shane would have been oj. Kerry
How handsome is my little man!
"bruiser and Ryan Seacrest.
Well we lost 2(hudson and karoline. Oh well. you have to get what you can,
Yoy all can imagine how hard it was to get all six of them. You can see mims, trying to get away from the photo shoot.
This was Mims and Landon right church(well....the nursery for the service, nut they were having a blast
My two sweet handsome Boys. How Lucky I am!
This was just about how excited that the easter bunny. He liked the green and yellow grass the vest, Typical!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bath Time is SO SO Fun!!!!!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
This was the Easter egg hunt at church. Landon, Hudson and Mims had a blast!
Monday, March 03, 2008
I can't believe how big Mims has gotten. We are amazed everyday with the new stuff that he is doing. He grabs my face and kisses me on the mouth, and it just about melts my heart. He says something new everyday also. It is the cutest thing ever. I promise to put lots more pictures on here. Hope everyone is well!