Sunday, April 08, 2007

Look how beautiful they all looked. Of course everyone had to be covered up and have sweaters on due to the fact that it was freezing, but they looked so pretty anyway!
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1 comment:

cindy said...

Kerry and Shane,

Thank yo so for the flowers places
in Ryans memory by Ryan Mims. It
was so prefect for the day. We love all three of you dearly, and
are blessed to have you to help and
be beside us down this long hard
road that has no end. We are so
greatful to you both for allowing
us(me) a hog when it comes to seeing and holding Mims. I love to
try and get the smile, because I
know Ryan and he will make sure that Mims smiles alot just as he did each day. You are truly blessed, for you have two of the
best angels to watch over him that
you could have ever hoped for.
I love you, Great Aunt Cindy - as
Jamie reminds often.