Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today as I reflect on all the things that are happening around the world and that is in the news make me thankful once again on the things that I have in life. I was sitting at work today and I would walk by the tv and see the horrific pictures on the news about Virginia Tech, and it made me realize once again that something that my mom said was true. Anyone who now has a child, as many of my friends that are reading this do, know that your whole life and perspective completely change. Every decision that I make is for mims. From what to bring along, to what is bought at the grocery store completely changes. I cannot imagine being one of those parents who didn't know if their child was alive or dead at VT. My heart goes out to them so much, because I was thinking to myself, if that were Mims in there, I would absolutely be going crazy. My dad has always told me that its the big things in life that matter. "Fight the battles that are worth fighting"...famous quote from Karl, but so true. The small things are so small now. Mims being safe and happy...big things!!!!
We were sitting at lunch today and talking about our marriages, and the roles that we play in them, and someone sitting next to me was saying that she was happy and content but the butterflies were gone, and I thought to myself, I hope that I never get to that point. I thank God every day about how wonderful Shane is, and I was saying to them that I was the complete opposite of them. I do still get butterflies about him. Granted we just had our first anniversary, but I love him more today then the day I married him, and I do still get "butterflies" I still look at him and wonder why God decided to allow me this gift of happiness that I have been given. I still hurry home as fast s I can just to get to him faster. He still melts my heart every day when I see him smile at mims the way he does,with nothing but true love in his eyes, and the way they completely light up when mims smiles at him. That is what I live for. I pray that the people who's lives were devastated yesterday experienced one ounce of the happiness that I feel every day. And to those of you who wonder, just remember that no one is promised tomorrow. Love today so there is no question, as I do everyday! Kiss your babies, kiss your dad, and kiss your "penguin"

1 comment:

*Staci* said...

Amen sister! My heart goes out to those folks too. I've now started back to work...and let me tell you, seeing what I see everyday will make you stop and think. We are SO BLESSED to have happy, healthy, fat babies! When I get home from work, sometimes I just hold him and cry, thinking about some of the families I see that aren't as fortunate...it's heart breaking. And now that I'm a mother, it put things in a whole new perspective!